How To Train Your Carrot For Freedom

  • “How to train your carrot for freedom” is a game of emotional and spatial exploration, in which you carry out bizarre photography challenges to teach your carrot what it means to be free. ​
  • The game lasts 30 minutes, you can play alone or in a group and at the end of the experience, if you complete all the photography challenges, you will receive a small secret prize!
  • To play, all you need to do is have your mobile phone fully charged, choose your carrot and go to this url
  • The game was playtested twice: in Turin for Torino Comics, and in Tampere for Solmukohta 2024.


Beatrice Sgaravatto, Turin, Italy


Session 1:

Start: 28/09 11:30
End: 28/09 12:30

This is an “anytime” game. You can play it by yourself whenever you want – during or after the festival. More info at festival info point. Time above is the time of starting event.


Tartu 2024 info point - Kuuni tn